Join "Dorothy's Dream Team" this year in support of HHA's newly launched No Place Like Home Program! We're raising money to help create safe and affirming environments for LGBT+ elders in Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities, ensuring they receive the competent and dignified end-of-life care they deserve.
Why 'No Place Like Home' Matters
Institutionalized homophobia and transphobia are pervasive in many healthcare settings, significantly contributing to the marginalization, overt mistreatment, and subtle neglect of LGBT+ older adults. In LTC, this can include verbal harassment, physical abuse by staff or other residents, discriminatory admission practices, denial of necessary medical treatments, refusal to acknowledge chosen families, lack of privacy and respect for gender identity, and exclusion from social activities.
As a result, many LGBT+ residents in LTC conceal their identities to avoid mistreatment. This, in turn, can lead to social isolation, inadequate care, and emotional distress during their final years. No Place Like Home is dedicated to addressing these issues by providing culturally competent and inclusive care for LGBT+ older adults, ensuring they can live out their remaining time with dignity and respect.
By supporting this program, we are not only caring for our elders but also continuing their legacy of advocating for change. Our efforts contribute to a broader societal shift in how LGBT+ people are treated, ensuring that all of us can live openly and authentically without fear of discrimination or the threat of violence.
Together, let's honour the courage and resilience of our LGBT+ elders, and commit to creating a more compassionate world in which we can all live, age, and die with pride.
What We Do
By fundraising and walking with us, you support HHA with:
Inclusive Advance Care Planning (ACP) Workshops: Educating LGBT+ seniors on their rights and helping them document their care preferences to ensure their wishes are respected.
Life in Review Workshops & Workbooks: Providing a meaningful opportunity for LGBT+ residents to reflect on and celebrate their lives, documenting their legacies for future generations.
LGBTQ2S+ Death Doula Support: Offering compassionate end-of-life care tailored to the unique needs of LGBT+ individuals, ensuring they receive dignified and affirming support.
At the Bedside Care: Ensuring no LGBT+ resident dies alone by providing companionship and support in their final moments.
Compassionate Companioning Training: Training LTC staff and volunteers to deliver inclusive and affirming care, creating a supportive environment for all residents.
How You Can Help
Become a part of "Dorothy's Dream Team" today, and encourage your friends, family, and co-workers to walk alongside you!
After you’ve signed up to participate and joined our team, you can customize your personal tribute page with a photo and description. This can either be about a loved one you’re walking in memory of, or your reasons for wanting to support the No Place Like Home Program. And don’t forget to set your fundraising goal!
Your Fundraising Dollars at Work
Your efforts will help us:
Define specific needs in a catchment area through a pilot project, ensuring our program is tailored and effective.
Develop an evaluation model to measure the program's impact, identify areas for improvement, and ensure the highest standards of care.
Secure fundraising support for long-term program sustainability.
Join Us
Join us to help ensure our LGBT+ elders receive compassionate, dignified, and competent support as they approach the end of life, setting a standard for truly inclusive care.