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Fundraising Toolkit

You’ve registered for the Moonlit Memory it’s time to get fundraising!


Every dollar has a direct impact on the programs and services Home Hospice Association (HHA) can provide, which means that the money you help to raise through this event gets us closer to a world in which quality compassionate end-of-life care is accessible to anyone, of any age, at any time, under any roof. This is what HHA is all about, and we can’t do this important work without you!


This Moonlit Memory Walk Fundraising Toolkit will give you helpful tips to take your fundraising to the next level.


Quick Links:

1) The Big 5 Steps for Success

If you don’t have much time for fundraising, but still want to have a big impact, all you need to do is follow these 5 simple steps.


STEP 1 - Set up your personal fundraising page


When you register for the walk, a personal fundraising page is automatically generated for you. Now it’s time to personalize that page.


Because we walk in honour of a loved one, you can use your Zeffy fundraising page as a tribute for the person you’re walking for, including whatever information about them and your relationship that you feel comfortable sharing. You can also add a special photo to your fundraising page and share a personal message or story. This will make your fundraising page more impactful and memorable, while growing the legacy of your loved one.


As an example, see Home Hospice Association co-founder Tracey’s 2023 tribute page for her dog Bello.



STEP 2 - Set your fundraising goal


When you register for the walk on the Zeffy platform, you are prompted to enter a fundraising goal amount. If you haven’t yet completed this step, now is the time! Remember, the more money you raise, the more people Home Hospice Association can help. Establishing a fundraising goal will also help you gain support from your networks. As time passes, keep an eye on your progress and consider increasing your fundraising goal as you reach or exceed it.


When setting your fundraising goal, make sure you check out our exciting fundraising incentives!



STEP 3 - Make a personal donation


Start your fundraising campaign with a self-donation to your team or individual page. This encourages others to support you by showing your own personal commitment to the cause.


If you’re taking part in an in-person walk, consider an initial donation of $50. This guarantees you a lantern (that you can keep) and participation in the candle lighting ceremony at your walk location.



STEP 4 - Encourage family and friends to donate


Reaching out to the people in our lives who support us most is a great way to start fundraising. Whether you’re sending personalized emails or texts, calling them up on the phone, or popping round for tea, make sure you’re telling your friends and family why the Moonlit Memory Walk is important to you and share your fundraising goal and progress with them. See our message templates below for ideas on how to ask for donations.



STEP 5 - Share your campaign via social media


Gone are the days of going door-to-door canvassing for donations! Spreading the word about your fundraising campaign on your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok or other social networks is an incredibly easy and effective way to reach a larger pool of potential donors. All you need to do is share your fundraising page on your social media platforms, asking your contacts to consider supporting your campaign. In addition to sharing the link to your tribute page, it can also help to say something personal about why you’re participating in this fundraiser/why you’re walking. See our message templates below for ideas on how to ask for donations.


Make sure to post frequent updates of your progress towards your fundraising goal. And don’t forget about group chats, especially the ones you’re connected to and engage with the most!


You can also link to our website and socials:





And here are some hashtags you can use: #moonlitmemorywalk #walkforcare #fundraisingevent #2025fundraising


2) More FUNdraising Ideas


If you really want to have fun with your fundraising efforts, consider going beyond the basics and really inspire others to support your campaign while having a great time with your friends and community.​ Let your creativity go wild - whether you're running a bake sale or a bingo night!


Here are just a few event ideas that will definitely help you reach your fundraising goal:


fun ideas
Image by Kenny Eliason
Car Wash

Gather a group of friends who don’t mind getting wet and spend the day washing cars for a cause! Simply set a date and start letting people know where you’ll be and when. Charge whatever you think people will pay, and consider offering a sliding scale (for example, $5.00-15.00 per car).




  • A space outdoors to host the car wash


  • Access to a hose and water


  • Car wash soap, buckets, sponges, brushes


  • Wash mitts (microfiber cloths), drying cloths


  • Signs/posters about the event

Used Book Swap

Attention all book lovers! This is a great way to bring people together to bond over their shared love of books. All you need to do is confirm an event location (this could be someone’s home, a cafe, a park, other community space) and set a donation amount for participating in the event. You could also consider setting a suggested donation for each “new-used” book that someone takes home. Local businesses might also be willing to help, either by providing some used books or offering their space for the event. Funds are raised by the entry fee, swap fees and general donations.



  • Tables, chairs

  • Money collection box

  • Everybody’s book donations (you could set a minimum # of books that each person has to bring to participate)

  • Refreshments (try getting a local business to sponsor these)

Board Game Tournament

Put people’s competitive spirits to good use! Gather teams of people or individuals either in-person or online for a board or card game tournament (e.g. Pictionary, Scrabble, HeadsUp, Monopoly, Euchre). Funds can be raised with an entry fee and donations. Connect with local businesses to donate prizes for tournament winners.


  • Space to host the game night if in-person

  • Refreshments (try getting a local business to sponsor these)

  • Money collection box

  • Selected board game(s) or card decks

Popsicle or Ice Cream Stand

Who doesn't crave a delicious cold treat on a hot day?  Set up a stand in your front yard that will delight your neighbours!  


Supplies for ice cream:

  • Ice cream, cones

  • Toppings (sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, crushed cookies, Reese's Pieces, gummy worms, whipped cream topping, maraschino cherries, etc.)

  • Bowls, a scoop spoon

  • Cooler filled with ice for storing the ice cream

  • Sign or poster for your stand


Supplies for popsicles:

  • Various flavours of popsicles

  • Cooler filled with ice for storing the popsicles

  • Sign or poster for your stand

Colorful Popsicles

3) Support Request Message Templates



We understand that it's not always easy to ask people for money, even when it's for a really important cause. But when you clearly explain to potential donors why you're raising money and how their donations help, you might be surprised at the positive response you get!


Here are two message templates that you're welcome to use in their entirety, in part, or simply for inspiration!

Template #1

Hi ______,


I’m participating in this year’s Moonlit Memory Walk, a fundraising event to benefit Home Hospice Association, a registered Canadian charity working to ensure that compassionate end-of-life care is accessible to anyone who is facing death and that their loved ones can also get the support they need.


We’re walking in memory of our loved ones who have died, and this year I’ll be honouring the memory of _______, my _______ (husband, son, pet, …). Please visit my fundraising page (INCLUDE LINK) and, if you’re able, donate to my campaign.


You can read more about the Moonlit Memory Walk and Home Hospice Association here:


Thank you so much for your support!


Template #2



Many of us don’t realize the need for improved and more accessible hospice care until it directly or indirectly affects us. Home Hospice Association, a non-profit registered Canadian charity, is working tirelessly to ensure equitable access to quality end-of-life care and grief support for families and loved ones of the dying.


Every Year, Home Hospice Association organizes an event called the Moonlit Memory Walk. This is the organization’s most important annual fundraiser, in that it raises the necessary funds to run their programs and services, while also giving individuals and communities the opportunity to gather together in memory of loved ones who have died.


I would be incredibly grateful if you would consider supporting this fundraiser, either by contributing to my campaign with a donation or participating in the walk yourself.

Here’s the link to my fundraising page where you can donate: (LINK)


Here’s where you can find out how to join the walk:


And here’s where you can learn more about Home Hospice Association and how you can help:


Thank you in advance for your support!


Remember, we’re always here to help! If you need any further support with your fundraising efforts, please reach out to us at

Thank you so much for helping to make the Moonlit Memory Walk 2025 a success ♥



© 2025 - A Home Hospice Association Event

Stay connected with us on our social channels!

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