Registration for Moonlit Memory Walk 2021 is now OPEN!
Registration for the Moonlit Memory Walk 2021 is now OPEN! We encourage you to register for the Walk on #GivingTuesday - as a THANK YOU for supporting Home Hospice Association, we would like to invite you to attend our virtual Creating Memories and Healing Hearts Workshop on December 10, 2020 hosted by the incredible Colleen Breen, HHA Death Doula Candidate.
Creating Memories and Healing Hearts Workshop
December 10th, 2020

With each stitch, we remember, we mourn, we honour, we heal, and we create new hope together.
Loss leaves a pain in our hearts that takes time to heal and allow us to move forward with the love of that special someone tucked deep within. As the holiday season approaches, missing loved ones can be even more profound. Creating ways to honour their memory and healing our hearts can bring meaning and hope in the midst of sadness and despair.
Please join in for this opportunity to learn how to use various creative strategies as a part of our grieving journey. We can honour the memory of those we love while healing our hearts.
This workshop is great for all ages - feel free to invite friends and family to join you for this virtual opportunity. At the end of the evening, you will have completed your own Loss Heart, shared memories, honoured your loved one(s) and symbolically stitched your broken heart back together again.
About Our Workshop Host: Colleen Breen is a registered nurse and a HHA Death Doula Candidate. With many years of experience as a nurse in pediatric critical care and a part-time nursing teacher, Colleen has been teaching staff and students about creating memories at end of life and supporting parents when their children are dying. Colleen is honoured to be part of this special workshop series and to be host of the very first workshop.
About the Loss Heart Initiative: Created by Leslie Switzer as a way to honour and hold space for those who have died.
“When someone you love dies, their life becomes a memory and that memory becomes a treasure”
(Author unknown).