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Join a Walk

Joining the Moonlit Memory Walk is as easy as 1... 2... 3!

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Sign up

 You can walk as an individual, sign up with an existing team, or start a new team. Not sure where to walk?

Find a walk location here.




Once you've registered, follow the easy steps to create your own fundraising page and goal. Reach out to your networks to donate and use our Toolkit for other fundraising tips!




Join us as we gather together to remember our loved ones, to share how they lived, to say their names, and to grow their legacies - all while supporting every person's right to accessible and compassionate end-of-life care.

Great incentives from the first $50.00 raised!


  1. Lantern 

  2. Participation in the Candle Lighting Ceremony



  1. Lantern 

  2. Participation in the Candle Lighting Ceremony

  3. HHA Mug 



  1. Lantern 

  2. Participation in the Candle Lighting Ceremony

  3. HHA Mug 

  4. HHA Fandana


Plus the top three fundraisers in each Walk Location will receive amazing Prize Packages!





Why Join?


If you've experienced the loss of a loved one, you understand the profound impact of end-of-life care - or the noticeable void when it's lacking. In Canada, access to equitable end-of-life care is far from universal. At Home Hospice Association, we are committed to changing this reality through dedicated death education, direct support, and strategic agency collaborations. But we need your help to continue this crucial work. Your involvement in our annual Moonlit Memory Walk can make a significant difference in ensuring that everyone receives the compassionate care they deserve, not IF the time comes, but WHEN.


The Moonlit Memory Walk also offers a unique chance to celebrate life by acknowledging its impermanence and engaging in collective reflection. As we remember and share stories of those we've lost, each step honours a diverse array of individuals: parents, grandparents, siblings, children, colleagues, and cherished pets. We also pay tribute to those lost during or after pregnancy and those who donated life-saving organs to others.




Your Impact


By joining the Moonlit Memory Walk and raising funds to benefit Home Hospice Association's programs and services, you are helping to ensure that no one dies alone, and that all loved ones have the support they need throughout their grief journey. 


Your involvement in the Moonlit Memory Walk helps us expand our programs, train more compassionate care practitioners, partner with more community agencies and reach more individuals in need.


With the funds raised through the Moonlit Memory Walk, together we can ensure that everyone facing death or grappling with grief receives the care, support, and dignity they deserve.


Join us on October 7, 2025, as we walk in support of Home Hospice Association's mission and vision to: 


  • Provide quality end-of-life care in a holistic, culturally sensitive manner.

  • Normalize death through education to professionals, children, families and communities. 


  • Support the dying, their loved ones, and those who care for them in grief and bereavement. 


  • Create a future where we will have forever changed end-of-life care for the better.  


Walk with us and make this mission part of the legacy of your loved one(s).



© 2025 - A Home Hospice Association Event

Stay connected with us on our social channels!

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